Friday, August 26, 2011

Time for an Oil Change

Is it time for your regularly scheduled oil change? Due to the fact that a lubricant exchange can come up rather frequently, the answer is more than likely yes. If you use your vehicle for a lot of traveling during the work week you can reach the minimum 3,000 miles in no time. Or if you have taken a lot of road trips this summer season, your engine could use a once over from your local mechanical engineer to make sure everything is in tip top shape for work on Monday.

One of the greatest concerns for car drivability is whether the engine is staying at the necessary temperature and properly lubricated. On the one hand, as long as your engine coolant is in and all parts of the coolant system are functioning properly then you will be in good hands. On the other hand, the simple process of pouring some motor lubricant into your engine isn't going to cut it.

There are some horror stories out there about how to handle oil change in your vehicle. Some of the methods are recommendations administered or handed down from an auto mechanic professional, and some are just myths that could be doing more harm than good inside of your car's engine. First, you may have heard the story of the guy who added a little bit of extra lubricant to his engine every week as if the engine was digesting it somehow. Second, you may have heard about the guy who would wait all year to change his motor lubricant and you could scoop the sludge coming out of his engine with a spoon. All of these automotive tragedies and more can be avoided with a little automotive know how and it comes from the local garage. Yes, there are recommendations for when to exchange your lubricant after 3,000, 5,000, or 10,000 miles for hybrids. But, the draining and replacement goes beyond car maintenance expenses, it is vital to your engine upkeep for the lifespan of your drivability.

The oil change process involves cleaning, lubrication, and pressure adjustment. Your engine requires all three at a sustainable level in order to function properly. Cleanliness is important to smooth mechanism movement. Lubrication reduces friction among the moving parts of your internal engine. And last but certainly not least lubricant pressure allows for the pumping force of the internal movements to continue so in an even manner. All of these three components of a fresh oil change are helpful in preventing engine failure while you are out on the road. You depend on your engine to move your car and your car to move you every day. Now, does it seem like too much to place the proper types of oil, in the proper amount, in good time into your hard working engine?

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