There are lots of reasons to visit your mechanic. If there is one thing that can be a do it yourself thing it's probably going to be an oil change. This is probably one of the most routine things you can do for maintenance on your car. It really is a simple procedure and can be done relatively quickly. There's a reason those lube shops can get your car done in less than fifteen minutes. So do you do it yourself or do you take it in to a shop to have even the most basic of maintenance services performed?
To do an oil change yourself you'll have to have a few tools. You'll need something to catch the excess oil in, and you'll have to have a special wrench to remove the filter. It's not a clean job so you don't want to wear your working clothes to do this job. You'll also need to find a smooth flat place to do the work. Doing it on a hill can pose all sorts of safety hazards, you need to keep this in mind.
The overall process is a relatively simple one. First you'll need to get the engine warm so that the lubricant will come out easier. Once you've drove the car around for a few minutes park it in that flat area that you've designated an oil change spot. Put on the parking brake to keep the car from rolling on you. You'll need to locate the oil plug and use the appropriate tool to remove it. You'll need the container underneath before you remove the plug so you don't get it on the ground. Once it has begun to drain you can remove the filter has well. When the last has drained out then replace the plug and the filter. Refill the engine. It is really straight forward and simple.
There are some things to think about though before you go get a case of oil and start doing it all yourself. For starters you have to make sure the plug is easily accessible. There are a few models in which the plug is not easy to get to and it requires special equipment. You also need to think of what you are going to do with what is drained from your engine. You can't just throw it in the garbage, which would be a safety hazard for you, the garbage men who collect the trash, and the environment. If you take it to a mechanic then you don't have to worry about all of these complications.
There are many good reasons to do the job yourself. However, if you're like most people, you don't have a lot of free time to do the work. If that's the case then you probably want to take your car to a reputable mechanic.
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