In this era of multitasking, it is important that you do not waste precious time. Even if you are confined to the waiting room, there are several things that you can do while waiting to get an oil change. Depending on where you have your vehicle maintained, you can take care of errands if there is a long wait for your vehicle.
If your car is being maintained near a shopping center, you can go shopping while you wait. Make a list before you take your vehicle in, so you can confine your shopping to just a few items. It usually takes longer to shop for clothes than to shop for other items. You can buy a few items to wear if you have a particularly long wait. Some people manage to buy groceries while they wait. Do not buy perishable items or frozen items, because the oil change may take longer than you expect.
If you do not wish to leave the waiting room, and you have only a few minutes to wait, you can complete a to-do list while you wait. Writing a list of tasks that you wish to complete during the day will free your mind for other tasks, and help you to become more organized. Listing all of your tasks, and having them available on paper will also give you a sense of relief so you will feel a sense of accomplishment after you complete each task. Do not forget to cross the oil change off your list.
You can make important phone calls while waiting for your oil change. It may be necessary for you to leave the waiting room, so you do not disturb others and you will also be able to keep your conversation private. Use this time to call people that you need to talk to, but otherwise could not find the time.
Bring your laptop and work. If you have schoolwork or work from your place of employment to complete, the time that you spend in the waiting room can be best used to get your work done. Some waiting rooms may have free WI-fi, which makes it even more convenient to complete work, which requires an internet connection. Save your work often. You'll find that the relatively quiet, peaceful environment in the waiting room is conducive to your work. You will probably get more work completed while waiting for your car than you would otherwise complete at home. You can also send e-mails or chat if you have a WI-fi connection available, but since many public connections are not very secure, try not to send information that is too personal.
While you are waiting for your car, you can schedule upcoming events on your calendar. You should also use this time to review events that you must attend or items that you must complete in the next day or so. Since you have written items on your to-do list, you can use any extra time to plan ahead and review your schedule for the future. You can also list some of your long-term goals.
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