When waiting to get an oil change, you may be tempted to complete work, make business calls, or handle another chore. In some cases, that is a good use of your time, but if you find that you are often stressed and tired, you may use that downtime to relax.
As you sit in the waiting room, take the time to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Make sure that you have your personal items in your arms, and do not perform this activity if you do not feel comfortable doing so in the waiting room. Clear your mind and try to think peaceful thoughts. Reject the temptation of thinking about things that you must complete, deadlines you must meet, or any other personal problems. Try to think of a pleasant memory or something that you can look forward to in the future.
If you have your cell phone, you can spend time in the waiting room playing a fun game on your phone. Do not feel guilty. Simply sit back and place a few rounds of your favorite game while you wait for your oil change. Playing a game can divert your mind from your worries and give you a chance to relax in the waiting room.
People who do not wish to play a game can also use their phone to text friends, or read. Most people who enjoy reading find that they have little time to read what they like, and it is also difficult to catch up with friends when you have a busy schedule. Make the time that you spend in the waiting room your personal time to do what you enjoy. Especially if you have small children who are in school or who are not with you during the errand, you can consider the time that you spend waiting for your oil change as your relaxation period.
Many waiting rooms have television sets, so people who do not normally have an opportunity to watch what they would like to see during the day, can catch up on a favorite show. When the waiting room is empty, you may be able to have full control of the television, something that may not occur very often at your own home. Take advantage of the opportunity, but keep in mind that you are in a public place and you may have to share if another person comes into the waiting room.
Although the waiting room may be near a shopping area, avoid the temptation to shop unless you truly enjoy shopping and do not often have the time to shop alone for yourself. Try to make the wait as stress free and relaxing as possible. Look around the area before you take your car in. There may be a place near, within walking distance, to eat or get a manicure. These are feasible options if you would rather not sit in the waiting room. When you participate in something that you truly enjoy, the wait to get an oil change can become a pleasurable experience.
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